.. _bugs: Known bugs ========== .. _bugs-0.2.20170422: AdNite2 Version 0.2.20170422 ---------------------------- Except Errors 1. and 2. aller other bugs of Version 0.1.20160401 still exist. .. _bugs-0.1.20160401: AdNite2 Version 0.1.20160401 ---------------------------- #. Running with newer Versions of python3-numpy (Version > 1.11.0) gives a type error due to a missing conversion from string to float. Former numpy-versions seemed to be mor tolerant. --> Fixed in AdNite2 Version 0.2.20170422. #. Very tiny fonts in button texts at Full HD notebook screens. --> Fixed in AdNite2 V 0.2.20170422. Fontsizes configurable vial configuration file ~/.adnite2/default.cfg. #. Testing :program:`adnite2` against **matplotlib version 2.0** and its dependencies in a virtual environments shows an uggly image for the moon position (left and right x-ax limmites are out of plotting range). E.g. **matplotlib 1.4.2** (standard in Debian Linux 8 "Jessie") and **Version 1.5.1** (standard in Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS) does not show this strange bug. #. There is a **bug in the setup-script**. :code:`sudo python3 setup.py install` does not copy the installation wide configuration script to a known place, so that the first call of :program:`AdNite2` cannot find the configuration directory to copy it to :file:`~/.adnite2/`. The program crashes immediately. There are three ways out: * Copy by hand :: cd adnite2-0.1.20160401/ # go to the decompressed installation directory cp -r config ~/.adnite2 # 'deep' copy to the home directory * Install as a developement environment :: sudo python3 setup.py develop So only file links and pointers to the installation directory are created. All changes in the program code are immediately system wide activ. Therefore **do not remove the installation directory**. Otherwise the links will show to Nirvana. * Find the bug in the setup constellation and fix it. #. A **bug in the routine that produces the rst-file** prevents adjustments of the allowed cloud types and the states of ground in the configuration file :file:`~/.adnite2/default.cfg`. Anyway, this bug does not affect the use of the program with the default settings of :file:`~/.adnite2/default.cfg`. #. Some minor issues in the output format (some German words instsad of English ones).